Service Times for Daily Minyan
Sunday Mornings | 9 a.m., in person when Religious School is in session
Weekday Shacharit | Monday - Friday | 7:30 a.m., currently Zoom only
Evening Minyan | Sunday - Thursday | 7:30 p.m., Zoom only
AAC members can CLICK HERE for the daily minyan zoom information. Non-members and visitors who are interested in joining minyan virtually are invited contact Ilicia Rosenberg for assistance.
Please note that on Federal Holidays, minyan meets at 9 a.m.
Tefillah Resources
Siddur Pages for Agudas Achim Virtual Minyan Services
(Published with permission from the Rabbinical Assembly)
Mourning prayer when a minyan is not present
Torah Readings
Weekday Rosh Chodesh Torah reading: Rosh Chodesh
Virtual Minyan
Daily Minyan schedule
Morning Minyan (Shacharit) | Mondays - Fridays | 7:30 AM
Morning Minyan (Shacharit) | Sundays & Federal Holidays | 9 AM
Evening Minyan (Ma’ariv) | Sundays - Thursdays | 7:30 PM
Daily Minyan Zoom
Meeting ID: 925 4608 0861
Passcode: 731844
Passcode: 731844
What is shiva?
Shiva, from the Hebrew word for seven (shiv'ah), is a Jewish period of mourning that generally lasts seven days, starting when the mourners return home from the funeral.
During this period, friends and family visit in order to keep the mourner(s) company and provide comfort.
Learn more about shiva and Jewish mourning practices on
Thu, January 23 2025 23 Tevet 5785