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Agudas Achim Men's Club

Come discover the pleasures of rewarding relationships with your fellow congregants and closer ties to Agudas Achim through Men’s Club membership. Have fun and serve the community. We would greatly appreciate your support for Men’s Club this year by sending in your membership dues for 2022-2023 (5783).  Our nominal dues for the year are $36, but please consider donating a Chai’er amount such as $54, $72, $90, or $108.  If you have any suggestions for events or would like to help with any of our activities, please contact Elliot Parkin. We are an affiliate of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) and are proud that members have served as Seaboard Region officers.

Men's Club Officers

  • President: Harold Salters
  • Immediate Past President: Elliot Parkin
  • Treasurer: Steve Kahn 
  • Social Activities Vice President: Louis Marcus
  • Programming Vice President: Andrew Cohen
  • Ritual Vice President: Tobias Dienstfrey
  • Scholarship Vice President: currently vacant
  • Historian: currently vacant
  • At Large Board Members: Jim Alper, Don Melman, Mark O'Brien, Pete Seigman, Harvey Stoler, Pablo Zylberglait

Current & Upcoming Events

Men's Club Board Meeting

Second Sunday of Each Month | 10 a.m. 

All are welcome to join the members the members of the Men's Club for their monthly board meeting on Zoom. Please contact Men's Club President Harold Salters for the Zoom details.

Men's Club Activities

Men's Club has a myriad of ways to get involved and be engaged. Whether its helping teens experience Israel, listening to guest speakers while enjoying brunch, putting up the sukkah, or commemorating those lost in the Holocaust, the Men's Club has something for everyone. Below are just some of the activites sponsored by the Men's Club.

Scholarships for Teen Experiences in Israel 

Israel Pilgrimage Scholarship Fact Sheet 2024

Men’s Club is devoted to educating our youth about Israel. The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage Scholarship Program provides scholarships for Israel experiences for our teens. Emphasis is on trips sponsored by the Conservative Movement and Jewish day schools.  Over 100 of our teens have been scholarship recipients in the past 30 years. Herb Quint z"l provided the idea for the program, and a bequest from Robert Lainof z"l enabled the program to become self-sustaining over time. Teens or their parents should contact Harold Salters or Elliot Parkin for more information.

Social and Recreational Events

Find Men's Club Events on the AAC Calendar

Sunday morning brunch meetings feature guest speakers on a wide variety of subjects to feed the mind and a breakfast buffet to feed the body. Men’s Club sponsors dinners, pub socials, sports events, historical tours, and hikes. Men’s Club provides grill masters for congregation barbecues and caters other family events. We’ve danced, bowled, eaten pizza, brewed beer, watched movies, fished, and had a great time just being with synagogue friends.

Ritual Activities 

The Men’s Club provides ushers for High Holiday services and erects the sukkah. We also honor all B’nai Mitzvah with the special gift of an Etz Hayim Humash. Our annual Men’s Club Shabbat weekend features a blend of religious and special events at the synagogue. We devote one of our Sunday brunches to Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs’ (FJMC) Worldwide Wrap, a program that encourages participation in the mitzvah of Tefillin.

Yellow Candle Program

Men’s Club participates in the FJMC Yellow Candle program that remembers the Holocaust through the distribution of Yahrzeit candles prior to Yom HaShoah. The program has supported donations to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Ed and Charlene Schiff Holocaust Educational Fund, and the Center for Advancing Holocaust Survivor Care.

Past Program Highlights

Judio En Español Brunch (November 2022)

Missed the brunch? Wanted to take notes but were too enthralled by our speakers to lift a pen? Fret not! Click on any of the links below to catch the best bits of Men's Club's Judio En Español brunch speakers.

Men's Club Photo Gallery

Below are photos from past Men's Club events. Photos were provided by Men's Club members.

Mazel tov to Men's Club President Harold Salters as AAC's 2024 recipient of the Blue Yarmulke MVP Award.
From left to right: Louis Marcus, Lynne Rosenblum, Tobias Dienstfrey, Caryl Salters, and Judith Fogel.

From left to right: Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey, AAC member Sandy Cohen, and AAC member Caryl Bernstein take a break from dinner for a photo during the 2023 AAC Superbowl Party.

Men's Club and other AAC members pose for a photo during a commercial break during the 2023 AAC Superbowl Party. A young child (front right) is more focused on the commercials.

Men's Club Ritual VP (right, purple shirt with AAC's logo in white) helps AAC member Mina Jo Linver (left, long hair) clear up the kitchen during the 2023 AAC Superbowl Party.

Support the Abayudaya Community

The Ugandan Abayudaya (Luganda for "People of Judah") community face food, education, and healthcare deficits that put them in peril. The global pandemic exacerbated these deficits. Thankfully, the generosity of the Men's Clubs of the Seaboard Region - including Agudas Achim's Men's Club - has allowed the Abayudaya community to weather the worst of it. Now, as they re-emerge from the pandemic and severe flooding that struck in 2022, the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs is partnering with Abayudaya Men's Club to support the Hadassah Primary School
Click here to support the Abayudaya Community.
To learn more about the Abayudaya community, click here.
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785