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Donate to AAC

   Thank you for donating to Agudas Achim Congregation to further our work of building sacred community and nurturing lifelong relationships.
   Please select the specific fund or program you wish to support (or the Synagogue Fund, which supports the general operating budget), and note whom you wish to honor or remember. For a description of available funds and programs, please scroll down.
   Thank you for your gift. A donation of at least $18 will be acknowledged with a note to the honoree; all donations will be acknowledged in The Bulletin. 

Directed Gifts

Contributions to these funds support the purposes outlined:
Camp Ramah Scholarship Program: 
Capital Campaign Fund: Enables us to pay our mortgage and reduce the principal.
Cemetery Fund: Provides for the upkeep and improvement of the Agudas Achim Cemetery.
Marjorie and Charney Weber Memorial Community Caring Fund: Provides support to homebound or ill congregants in need of assistance with rides, meals or visits.
Endowment Fund: Helps secure the financial future of the congregation and provides seed funds for new initiatives benefiting AAC congregants and programs.
Esformes Continuing Education Endowment Fund: Helps support adult education activities.
Hazzan's Discretionary Fund: Disbursements are made by the Hazzan to tzedakah, needy individuals and to meet professional obligations.
Henry H. Krevor Endowment Fund for Social Action: Supports activities that benefit the greater community and Social Action Committee activities, such as the meal packing event with ALIVE!.
Kiddush Fund: Supports Shabbat kiddushes when they would otherwise go unsponsored.
Larry Kaback Fund: Established in memory of Larry Kaback, provides a gift to a member of the Confirmation Class.
Music Fund: For extra-curricular musical activities to enhance the cultural heritage of our congregation.
Preschool Fund: Provides general operating support for the Agudas Achim Preschool.
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: Disbursements are made by the Rabbi to tzedakah, needy individuals and to meet professional obligations.
Religious School Fund: Provides general operating support for the AAC religious school.
Sam & Anita Turk Continuing Music Endowment Fund: To ensure the presentation of quality music performances on an ongoing basis.
Schiff Holocaust Education Endowment Fund: Helps to defray costs of Holocaust education in the Religious School and helps provide Holocaust education, such as book acquisition and lectures.
Security Fund: Augments AAC's operation security budget, allowing us to engage security and/or law enforcement personnel to provide security congregational events.
Sefer Torah Fund: Provides funding for repair of our Torah scrolls.
Shlicha Fund: Supports Shlicha program expenses and events.
Spiro Adult Education Fund: Established in memory of Samuel and Rose Spiro, income is used for the adult education program.
Youth Arts & Culture Program: Enables the School and Youth program to provide special programs in the arts and humanities



The following dedication opportunities are available as specified:

Chairs in the Flax Family Chapel: Chairs may be endowed for $360 each.
Prayerbook Fund: Dedicate a daily prayerbook for $36 each; Lev Shalem prayerbook for Shabbat and Festivals for $54 each; and Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary chumash for $72 each (as of July 2020).
Robin H. Mendelson Simcha Tree: Leaves are $360 each. Inscription is limited to 23 characters (letters and spaces) per line with a 3-line maximum.
Schonberger Family Library Fund: Bookplates inserted for a minimum donation of $36.
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785