Judaica Shop
Shop the Judaica Shop
Shop online: agudas-achim-judaica-shop.square.site
Sisterhood's Judaica Shop carries everything from tallit to toys. All proceeds go to supporting our synagogue through the efforts of our Sisterhood.
We continue to accept cash, checks and credit cards.
We continue to accept cash, checks and credit cards.
Please visit our online store.
Any questions or special orders please email us.
in-person shopping opportunities
Sisterhood's Judaica Shop will be open from 11 AM - 12:30 PM on all Sundays that the Religious School is in session. Appointments are also available; please email us at agudasachimjudaicashop@gmail.com to set up an appointment.
Notice to upcoming B’mitzvah parents
Sisterhood's Judaica Shop can assist you with what is needed for the big day. We work with vendors that have excellent products and pricing that is reasonable. Visit the Judaica Shop to discuss how we can assist, but first look at our website (link above) which will give you insight into what we carry.
***Did you know we have a SIMCHA GIFT REGISTRY and SIMCHA Gift Certificates***
Fri, September 20 2024
17 Elul 5784
Our Purpose
We are here to help educate on what Judaica items are needed for a Conservative Jewish home.
We offer items are reasonable prices and the funds are used to help Agudas Achim's Sisterhood support worthwhile causes.
Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784