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About Us

Our Vision

Agudas Achim is a community built on covenantal relationships. Each and every day we elevate and nourish our minds and souls while building a sacred community. We care about each other, we care about social justice, we care about Israel, and we care about YOU.

Master Plan Visioning

We are in the process of evaluating our physical space and envisioning what it can be for the future. Read about it here.

Our Centennial

Our Centennial Anniversary song, Adonai Oz, was written by Oran Eldor. For Hazzan Dienstfrey's 20th anniversary event in October 2020, the song was performed by members of the Agudas Achim community. 

     In 5774 (2013-2014), Agudas Achim Congregation celebrated its 100th anniversary with programming throughout the year. The celebration culminated with a concert in March of 2014 that featured the voices of the many talented members of our community - children and teens, members of the Sisterhood Ensemble, our in-house band (Ein Lanu Z'man), Hazzan Matt Klein who grew up at Agudas Achim, and our own Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey. The concert ended with this piece we commissioned by Oran Eldor entitled "Adonai Oz," God is our strength. Enjoy this recording of Adonai Oz.

  • Our dedication to religious life is demonstrated by activities such as twice daily minyanim, chevra kadisha (including bereavement), and an active bikkur cholim committee.
  • We have a strong partnership between laypersons and staff in carrying out all ritual activities.
  • Our auxiliary clubs (i.e. USY, Men’s Club, and Sisterhood) play an active role in congregational life.
  • We have approximately 125 students in our religious school and an additional 30 students attend area Jewish day schools.

Our Logo 

The Agudas Achim Magen, created during Synagogue 2000, contains the values that drive our actions, with God at the center.

G’milut Hasadim/Acts of Compassion. G’milut hasadim are acts performed out of compassion or lovingkindness for others, such as bikkur cholim (visiting the sick), hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests), and nichum aveilim (comforting mourners). In the synagogue of the 21st Century, we must care for each other.

Tefillah/Prayer. Tefillah (prayer) is our opportunity – as individuals and as a community – to communicate with God. We will continue to meet a wide range of individual and communal needs through traditional worship. We must also meet them by being open to change and by seeking opportunities to pray at new times and in new forms.

Torah. Torah is the source of our history, our tradition, and our practice. As a living document, Torah is renewed by the unique contribution of each individual. Agudas Achim must foster an environ­ment in which each of us is encouraged to encounter Torah on a personal level.

Mishpachah/Family. Agudas Achim serves as a family for its members, providing a place of welcome, inclusion, and comfort to all, but especially to those whose families are distant. It should be a place where the family is valued and where each member can come and participate. Not only should it support the enrichment of a Jewish home, but also provide an alternative place for home rituals.

Tikkun Olam/Repair of the World. Tikkun Olam involves finding those things in our world that need to be healed and working to heal them. It is sometimes translated as “social action,” and includes the concepts of helping the poor and giv­ing tzedakah (righteous giving). Agudas Achim must act to increase justice, fairness, and equity in the world.

Limud/Learning. Lifelong learning is an important Jewish value, encouraging continual intellectual and spiritual growth and ultimately helping each of us to grow closer to God and Torah. At Agudas Achim, there should be numerous formal and informal learning opportunities to allow a broad range of participation at all ages and levels. We must learn from our Rabbis, our teachers, and from one another.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785