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Yarden Shiri, 

AAC Shlicha (Israeli emissary)

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A message from Yarden

Shalom everyone!

It's hard to believe it has been over two months since I finished my Shlichut. I definitely miss you all, and I especially miss doing my Rega Yisraeli during services (or, as I like to call it, my weekly rant).



Hebrew Words of Previous Weeks

  • Balagan - בלאגן: chaos, fiasco, mess
  • Ga'a'gu'a - געגוע: to miss (someone or something)
  • Basa - באסה: (from Arabic) bummer, disappointment
  • Marshmallow - מרשמלו (pronounced like in English)
  • Douze points (French, pronounced 'dooz pwa') - דוז פואה: Twelve points, the highest score a country can give another in the Eurovision, in Israel: excellent, perfect, good job
  • Mangal - מנגל & al ha'esh - על האש: barbecue
  • Mimouna - מימונה: A Moroccan Jewish holiday celebrating the end of Passover and return to eating hametz.
  • Oren - אורן: pine tree
  • Tikvah - תקווה: hope
  • Aveev - אביב: spring
  • Adloyada - עדלאידע (lit. "Until one no longer knows"): Big procession/parade held in cities in Israel on Purim, tradition dating back to 1912 in Tel Aviv.
  • Bool - בול: exactly, bingo!
  • Paleet - פליט: refugee
  • Budke (bood-keh) - בודקה: guardhouse (from Ukranian)
  • Al HaPaneem – על הפנים: terrible, awful (literally "on the face")
  • Hachala - הכלה: inclusion, acceptance
  • Se'udat Yitro: Feast of Jethro, an ancient tradition celebrated by Tunisian Jews on the 
    Thursday before parashat Yitro. Click here for more information 
  • Re'eedat adama - רעידת אדמה: earthquake
  • Batzir - בציר: Picking of grapes
  • Masik - מסיק: Picking of olives
  • Gadid - גדיד: Picking of dates
  • Ariyah - ארייה: Picking of figs
  • Katif - קטיף: General picking of different fruits
  • Lachtzab- לחצ"ב: anxious to go home (acronym of 'lachutz - לחוץ: anxious' and 'bayit - בית: home')
  • Chazlash- חזל"ש: back to normal (acronym of 'chazara - חזרה: return' and 'shigra - שגרה: routine')
  • Shvung - שוונג: momentum, on a roll
  • Kur Gar'ini - כור גרעיני: nuclear reactor
  • Mif'al textil - מפעל טקסטיל: textile factory
  • Tayar - תייר/tayeret - תיירת: tourist; tayaroot - תיירות: tourism
  • Shalechet - שלכת: fall foliage
  • Meragel - מרגל/meragelet - מרגלת: spy
  • Al ta'am ve'reyach ein lehitvache'ach - על טעם וריח אין להתווכח: agree to disagree, to each his own (literally: we mustn't argue about taste and smell)
  • Sheleg - שלג: snow (in Arabic: thulj - ثلج)
  • Chakalaka - צ'קלקה: police/ambulance siren
  • Geshem meteorim - גשם מטאורים: meteor shower
  • Dugri - דוגרי دغري  : to be blunt and to the point
  • Ashkara - אשכרה: totally, so true, really, actually
  • Ochel/et seret – אוכל/ת סרט: to be very anxious or nervous about something (literally "eating a movie")
  • Gis - גיס: brother-in-law
  • Yoreh - יורה: first rain
  • Davka - דווקא: precisely/spite/actually
  • Magresah - מגרסה: shredder
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785