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Learn About Israel
A message from Yarden
Shalom everyone!
It's hard to believe it has been over two months since I finished my Shlichut. I definitely miss you all, and I especially miss doing my Rega Yisraeli during services (or, as I like to call it, my weekly rant).
Returning home during a time of war was stressful, but I'm happy to be here and feel like I'm contributing. Reserve duty kept me busy for my first month or so back in Israel and helped me readjust to my “Israeli personality.” I had to re-learn things like standing in an Israeli line and navigating a lack of privacy, even with strangers.
If you hosted me over the past seven months, you know I was applying to an honor student program at Hebrew University. (I probably asked most of you for help with one of the many essays I had to write.) I’m pleased to share that I got into the program and will begin my studies at the end of October.
I hope to visit at some point, or even better, that you’ll come visit me! Until then, the best way to stay in touch is through WhatsApp or my personal email (my Agudas email is no longer active).
Feel free to reach out and let me know how much you miss me!
WhatsApp: +972 0502384838
Email: yarden105@gmail.com
Hebrew Words of Previous Weeks
- Balagan - בלאגן: chaos, fiasco, mess
- Ga'a'gu'a - געגוע: to miss (someone or something)
- Basa - באסה: (from Arabic) bummer, disappointment
- Marshmallow - מרשמלו (pronounced like in English)
- Douze points (French, pronounced 'dooz pwa') - דוז פואה: Twelve points, the highest score a country can give another in the Eurovision, in Israel: excellent, perfect, good job
- Mangal - מנגל & al ha'esh - על האש: barbecue
- Mimouna - מימונה: A Moroccan Jewish holiday celebrating the end of Passover and return to eating hametz.
- Oren - אורן: pine tree
- Tikvah - תקווה: hope
- Aveev - אביב: spring
- Adloyada - עדלאידע (lit. "Until one no longer knows"): Big procession/parade held in cities in Israel on Purim, tradition dating back to 1912 in Tel Aviv.
- Bool - בול: exactly, bingo!
- Paleet - פליט: refugee
- Budke (bood-keh) - בודקה: guardhouse (from Ukranian)
- Al HaPaneem – על הפנים: terrible, awful (literally "on the face")
- Hachala - הכלה: inclusion, acceptance
- Se'udat Yitro: Feast of Jethro, an ancient tradition celebrated by Tunisian Jews on the
Thursday before parashat Yitro. Click here for more information - Re'eedat adama - רעידת אדמה: earthquake
- Batzir - בציר: Picking of grapes
- Masik - מסיק: Picking of olives
- Gadid - גדיד: Picking of dates
- Ariyah - ארייה: Picking of figs
- Katif - קטיף: General picking of different fruits
- Lachtzab- לחצ"ב: anxious to go home (acronym of 'lachutz - לחוץ: anxious' and 'bayit - בית: home')
- Chazlash- חזל"ש: back to normal (acronym of 'chazara - חזרה: return' and 'shigra - שגרה: routine')
- Shvung - שוונג: momentum, on a roll
- Kur Gar'ini - כור גרעיני: nuclear reactor
- Mif'al textil - מפעל טקסטיל: textile factory
- Tayar - תייר/tayeret - תיירת: tourist; tayaroot - תיירות: tourism
- Shalechet - שלכת: fall foliage
- Meragel - מרגל/meragelet - מרגלת: spy
- Al ta'am ve'reyach ein lehitvache'ach - על טעם וריח אין להתווכח: agree to disagree, to each his own (literally: we mustn't argue about taste and smell)
- Sheleg - שלג: snow (in Arabic: thulj - ثلج)
- Chakalaka - צ'קלקה: police/ambulance siren
- Geshem meteorim - גשם מטאורים: meteor shower
- Dugri - דוגרי دغري : to be blunt and to the point
- Ashkara - אשכרה: totally, so true, really, actually
- Ochel/et seret – אוכל/ת סרט: to be very anxious or nervous about something (literally "eating a movie")
- Gis - גיס: brother-in-law
- Yoreh - יורה: first rain
- Davka - דווקא: precisely/spite/actually
- Magresah - מגרסה: shredder
Sun, February 16 2025
18 Shevat 5785
Israel Connection Upcoming Events
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Hebrew Word of the Week
Build your Hebrew vocabulary with Yarden's word of the week.
Check back after Shabbat for this week's Hebrew word of the week.
Rega Israel
Israelis okayed to travel to Qatar for November’s World Cup in deal with FIFA
Firefighters course welcomes 7 women out of 178 trainees in new course
Tens of thousands march for gay pride in colorful Tel Aviv bash
Jerusalem Pride: Thousands join 20th annual march
Racist chants and clashes as tens of thousands march in Old City for Jerusalem Day
Elite IDF search and rescue unit to be open to women for first time
Israeli drama ‘Beauty Queen of Jerusalem’ makes Netflix debut
Finance Minister Seeks to Penalize Ben-Gurion University Over Pro-Palestinian Rally
Meretz MK Quits Coalition, Coalition Now In Minority
Netivot LGBTQ+ Pride March Canceled After Death Threats
Police Open Probe Into Violence At Reporter's Funeral After Outcry
Khaled Kabub Sworn In As First Muslim Israeli Supreme Court Justice
Police Commando Killed During Firefight with Palestinian in Jenin
First Elad Victim Unknowingly Transported Attackers To City, Officials Say
Herzog Calls For Unity In Memorial Day Speech
Israel Celebrates 74th Independence Day
Israel Comes To A Standstill To Commemorate Holocaust Victims
Israel's Timna Nelson-Levy Wins Historic Gold at European Judo Championships
Guard Killed in W. Bank Terror Attack Died Shielding Girlfriend
Contact Us
Agudas Achim Congregation
2908 Valley Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
Contact staff at:
703-998-6460 or 703-782-3976
Office hours:
M-Th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Before a Jewish holiday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Candle Lighting
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:34pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:35pm |
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